A space where we feel comfortable and a time to relax. Beside you are your favorite sofas and carefully selected cozy beds. We would like to provide safe and secure quality furniture to cats who spend 15 years together, just as they prefer healthy products made of natural wood for furniture such as beds and sofas where they can leave their bodies and feel at ease. We sincerely deliver products of the same quality as humans, with the hope that cats, who are members of the family, will feel at home.

Cat beds and cat sofas are made to order. Please allow about 50 days for production.

Les lits et les canapés pour chats sont fabriqués sur commande. Veuillez prévoir environ 50 jours pour la production.

Katzenbetten und Katzensofas werden auf Bestellung gefertigt. Bitte rechnen Sie mit etwa 50 Tagen für die Produktion.